
Financial Times and other newspapers, Creative Folkestone brochures, wire grid, acrylic paint, acid free glue.
A series of sculptural and performative works made during a period of isolation. The works playfully deconstruct and rearrange standard linguistic codes.
2020 and 2021
A History

A History
School text book, Children’s Encyclopaedia, bees wax, pin and dome
Word Deepening

Word Deepening
Seamus Heaney's The Shipping Forecast, model boat, book, acid-free glue
Galaxy Days

Galaxy Days
Toy figurine, Children's Encyclopaedia, extracts from comics and children' literature, acid-free glue

Page from old school atlas, extracts from ‘History of England, Vol. IV’,
on mount board

Various model balsa vehicles and furniture, comics
Playful and nostalgic, the models reference adolescence, teaching and learning; the fitting together of various pieces of information, the ‘getting of a language’, the process of making sense of things.
Fortune tellers

Fortune tellers (assessment for learning module one) - Paper, found desk, glue - Dimensions variable - 2005
Part of an exhibition entitled ‘Composite’ in the Surgery Gallery in Nunhead. Viewers were invited to sit at an old school desk and make a ‘chatterbox’ to join a pile on the floor or take away. How much of what is taught is actually learned? Remembered? How much of our learning remains most lucid in our memories as doodles in the margins of our exercise books, experiments beneath the folds of paper airplanes, and day-dreams in comic books. Is it actually these adapted, collaged ‘meanderings’ that remain our most vital lesson for survival?

Snap! - Found images of 58 members of the UN Heads of State, playing cards, projected 1950’s school atlas map of the world, ikea table, chairs - Dimensions variable - 2007
An interactive ‘game’, participants get to make up their own rules; the shadows from their own bodies dictating which parts of ‘the world’ are hidden and which revealed. The grains of the wood on the untreated table add a new texture to an outdated colonial map, and the highly-coloured, official photos of world leaders, also soon outdated, give a comically sinister undertone to a game of chance.