Paper workshops
Short tailor-made workshops in schools and colleges; working quickly with paper and old books/photocopies, students respond first to shown work and then incorporate their own ideas and influences.
Fantasy Mural
Primary school Gifted-and-Talented project, Clapham
Selected students worked over a term on mapping/drawing their local area, as well as studying relevant art and architecture. Using sketchbooks and story-telling they then interpreted their ideas into a utopian type fantasy mural for their school playground. Assisted by Lisa Nash.
Jabberwocky Literacy Project
A cross-curricular project involving a targeted group of 20 students from Yr 1-6, with an emphasis on literacy, confidence building and socialisation skills; the students used, sculpture, painting, collage, drama, recitation, story-telling to interpret the poem ‘The Jabberwocky’. The students all kept sketchbooks, did an assembly for the school, while their 3D work formed an installation in the school library. Assisted by Carol Stubbington.